Is it you?
If you say “yes” to four or more of these, you could have boreout...
1 Do you complete private tasks at work?
2 Do you feel underchallenged or bored?
3 Do you sometimes pretend to be busy?
4 Are you tired and apathetic after work even though you experienced no stress in the office?
5 Are you unhappy with your work?
6 Do you find your work meaningless?
7 Could you complete your work quicker than you are doing?
8 Are you afraid of changing your job because you might take a salary cut?
9 Do you send private e-mails to colleagues during working hours?
10 Do you have little or no interest in your work?
Een evidente 11de vraag ter aanvulling van deze lijst zou kunnen zijn: leest u soms blogs tijdens de werkuren --- ?
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